hAppY cHiNeSe nEw YeAr~It's been two weeks since I last blogged.
Where am I supposed to start blogging from? Hahahz.
Just some pictures.
These food can be found in chinatown! =)

HapPy 19th BirThDaY tO mYseLf~ =)My birthday was exactly one week ago. Haha, blogging abt my bday 1 week later. LAG~
Had my first birthday chalet.
Thanx to all who came. =) You all know who u are so I needn't say much!
The day started out quite badly.
Intended to make it a class chalet, but nobody other than some lyes turned up.
Carried on with it, without the bbq due to lack of ppl.
The lyes bought a cake n a present for me~ Thx ppl! =)

Isn't that sweet of lyes? They bought me "h" and "c" last yr, so they got my "i" "n" "g" this yr. =)
Poonie also bought me sth nice too~

Hehe, she always remember what I like.
At night, wy, ly and me went to pasir ris park and played sparkles. It's been ages since I last touched them. =X
Had a lot of fun!

happy me~



After midnight, we waited for rachel and poonie to come before we had a small celebration.

Making a wish!

Slept quite late that night.
Went Escape Theme Park with yl, rachel and poonie the next day.
Guess who I saw there?!?!
A teacher from TJC! Bringing his wife and toddler there. HAHA
I don't know his name but he is Mr always-chasing-us-to-stand-for-assembly-stepping-on-our-bags-plus-like-to-catch-my-dyed-hair. In short, he is the CT for 19/04. Haha.

Too bad can't see him ALONe on the boat. Sigh, wad's so fun about playing alone? =X
Escape is such a disappointment.
Many of the thrill rides were down for maintance check. >.<
Repeated the same few rides for several times.
Rode on the boat for two times in a row.
Was wet from head to toe!
Went on another boat ride with yl and poonie which we are supposed to spray water at each other. HaHa.
I just felt that it was raining. -__-'''
Went back to the chalet shortly as we were bored.
Starting forcing ppl to take pics with mE!

Was getting bored, so I just took a pic of the large no of beds there! =X

That's about all for that day. They all left in the evening.
Was sunburnt after several hrs at Escape.

See the red patches on the nose and cheeks area? =X
Thanks to :
Kason (although he was 1 day early)
Chao Kun
Jun Wei
Zhen Gang
Shin Ling (totally unexpected!)
Lee Kheng
Wee Kim (wished me 1 week later -.-)
For wishing me happy bdaY! =P
Well, this year was quite unexpected. MAny ppl whom I thought should remember my birthday didn't. Those whom I wasn't close with remembered.
A little joke here.
This guy wants to step into my life again.
I am no idiot.
Must be trying to con my money again?
Saying nonsense about not being able to forget me, BUT, forgot my birthday.
I don't understand why must some guys be so desperate.
Everytime he contacts me, he wants a patchup.
I am so sick of him that I didn't even bother picking up his phonecalls. >.<
Shall change topic!
First day of CNY, I still haven't finish packing my stuff!

Nobody would want a small cupboard like mine! Small and messy. =X

This is only about 1/3 packed. There's still new clothes I bought and a pile of clothes in another old cupboard.
The only thing that is accomplised was that I removed my uniform out to make space for my own clothes.
I did TRY to pack! But my week was simply too busy. =X
The bottom of my cupboard is worst.

Presents, cards, tissues, boxes, plaztic bags...
Anyway, back to my week.
Monday : work. chinatown with mum after work.
Tuesday : work. ntuc shopping with mum after that.
Wednesday : work. new yr shopping with poonie.
Thursday : working outdoors till 8+pm. Stink like mad so just headed straight home.
Friday : last day of work. last min shopping with yl.
Saturday : last last min shopping ALONE.
The above schedule explains why there is a lack of updates for these two weeks.
Hope that there are still ppl reading my blog!
Do tag wor! thX~ =) Happy New Yr~
I am just a substitute person.
Heard the phrase "substitute person" in the movie the other day.
Fits me perfectly~
No matter in what aspects of life, I am just a substitute.
I have nothing that I should complain about.
I allow myself to be used by other people. I just want to let off some anger here.
If other people don't need me, I don't exist.
Blame me for being stupid.
People doubt my capabilities.
"Both are temp job workers, why her workload so little? She don't even have any stress compared to u" A colleague commented that to the other temp job worker.
Maybe I had sex with that balding HR assistant. HAHA.
I must learn some office politics!
I shall learn to be optimistic.
I am going to be irritating and smile at others even when I know they are scolding me! =)
I am going to continue being a substitute person for everyone.
When I reach my max, I am going to be childish and blog everything out here.
Spent the third saturday night outside without sleep. =X
Movie outing with poonie! =)
Went to watch "Elizabethtown". It was quite a nice movie, very touching thing that the girl did for the guy at the end. She made a road map for him to drive all the way back to his home. =) There are still sweet girls around, not only in movies I believe.
Was trying so hard to control my laughter during the movie, it just isn't the right time to laugh~
Had mos for dinner. After that we went to eat mua chee at taka. =P
The mua chee still tasted v nice!
After the movie we just walked to the cafe at cineleisure to have a drink while waiting for time to pass.
The drink was so freaking expensive, and it's not nice! The price is not that scary but the taste is just not there~ =X
Had a nice chat with poonie at the cafe! =) Love chatting with her!
Went to this toilet at cine's basement.
There are cockroaches inside!!!!
I just screamed. Sorry! =X
Walked back to PS at 4am. During the way it started raining like mad again!!!!
We can only wait at some shelter. We started being silly at one of the shelters. =X
Taking photos! =P

Lol, don't mind us being stupid. Just had to find something to do while waiting for the rain to stop. Couldn't capture the heavy rain in my hp. Taxis were all waiting to take us as passengers, but isn't it obvious we aren't interested?!
Saw a very weird guy at one of the shelters.
He was walking towards us and scratching his private part.
He started lifting his shirt up and scratched his tummy. >.<
Both of us start to worry.
We ran cross a road without bothering much about the cars around.
That pervert was behind us and making stupid noises.
Dumbo me had to drop my flats in the middle of the road!!!!! =(
I had to turn behind to check where's my shoe, which scared me because I was coming face-to-face with that pervert.
Luckily he only continued to scare us without showing us anything we shouldn't be seeing.
We had a good laugh over it later on.
But it sure was scary. I never met such perverts around in orchard, or rather this is my first time spending my night outside with only girls.
In the end we still made it to PS for mac breakfast. =)
Saw her talked to her dear dear on phone! Sweet! =X He's in ns and just woke up but the first thing on his mind was to sms her! Sweet isn't it!
I saw what it meant by in love.
Anyway, we wanted to go home at dawn.
To our horror, Civil Defence decided to have their emergency exercise this morning at Doby Ghaut (not sure about the spelling). ArgH.
We are stuck in PS.
Sleepy, tired, cold.
By the time the exercise ended at 9.45am, both of us looked like pandas, and I mean real pandas. =X
Went home to nap for half an hour~
Thanx poonie for accompanying me to watch movie!! =)))
Sorry for the eventful night ! =X
But one thing poonie said was absolutely right. No matter how much I miss school, life now is really carefree.
How many weekends can I ton out if I were still schooling~
I won't be able to do things happily, because I still have a burden if I were studying.
So we should just cherish our time now and make the best out of it!
I promise I won't spend the night outside next saturday. I will die~ =P
The entry about wanting an umbrella is just meant to be a joke. =x
Finally it's friday! =) Weekend is here and it's time to waste time. LoLz...
Mummy was right, I will catch a cold. >.< Been sneezing in the office this whole morning.
When its summer outside, it's "winter" in the ofice.
When it's raining outside, its "snowing" in here.
Maybe I should bring my winterwear along. -.-
If I don't move for 30 minutes, I think I will become ice. =X
This is getting pointless isn't it? I am just bored.
To guys entering NS, take care n good luck! Though it's a little late to post this coz most of them already went in yesterday or are on their way now.
To CY and Allan, time sure pass fast! It's almost a month since u all went NS! I am not sure if u all will feel that time flies but to me 24 hours seem to pass rather quick.
Read wanyi's entry and I agree that I miss school too. Maybe because I am working now and I just have nothing to look forward. I lost my goal to be precise. Life is rather boring for me, work-home-sleep.
Working is making me exhausted. I used to sleep after midnight even during school days. Now, I hit my bed at 11pm. Anything after midnight is out of the question.
Amazing? Where's the old me? LoLz.
Perhaps age is catching up on me.
I don't want to grow old.
What's the use of saying all these? I can't turn back time either.
Update more later.