Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Sometimes I wish my mum will grow up, mentally I mean.

I am already turning 22 soon, yet she still treats me like a kid. On top of that, she also does not register the fact that I am married and not staying with her anymore.

Before my officical ROM, we had a fight over a dinner. She insisted that I go back home for dinner 1 day before my ROM to celebrate some kind of festival. Obviously I had many things to prepare and do before ROM, instead of trying to listen to me and understand, she just barked at me for being anxious about my ROM event. ......... Thanks huh, who in the world will not be anxious over his/her own wedding?!?!?!

Not only that, she also behaved weirdly on my ROM day itself. She asked irrelevant questions and wanted me to move back home during CNY 2009. Seriously she knows bloody well I have bigger issues to deal with that time.

Ever since then, she only became more grumpy and flare up at me if I disobey her wishes. Sometimes I feel that she treats me like her little doggy and she is unhappy that her little doggy is no longer that obedient like before.

Whenever she calls me on my mobile, she EXPECTS me to answer. Else she will call Mr TT, a.k.a. my hubby and demand to know where am I. ???????? Get a life! I needs to go for classes and I needs to sleep, and Mr TT needs to work in the daytime. I do not stand by my phone 24/7. I have things to do too. When she don't answer my phone call, it is normal as she is working. When I don't answer her phone call, it is a criminal act and I am definitely outside playing.

Just yesterday, she wanted me to go back to help her with CNY shopping at the supermarket. However I was out with the lyes and did not know my phone rang. She rang Mr TT up and asked irrelevant questions like have I bought my CNY clothes or not. When was she ever concerned about whether I bought any clothes for CNY? She only wanted to know where was I and why I did not answer her calls.

And when I called her today, she demands me to go back home to buy CNY goods with her tomorrow BECAUSE SHE IS FREE TOMORROW NIGHT after her opera friends flew home. When I said I am not free, she barked at me and said I don't bother to help her. This is totally childish as I already booked an appointment for pedicure and it is almost impossible to change my appointment when it is so near to CNY. Why doesn't she barks at her son for flying to Thailand and not helping her? WTF. If she had informed me earlier that she wants to go buy CNY goods I can plan my time properly, but she did not.

I may appear to be a bad daughter, but the way she is treating me is making me breathless. She doesn't give me enough space to grow and learn to be a wife. She only wants me to remain in that broken family being her dog and facing her rotten son do stupid things. What future will I get from that?

I just hope that things will get better after CNY and she will stop being so pessimistic about every single thing.